Saturday, October 31, 2015

Thank you to all of the parents for all of your help and joining us! We had a blast parading our costumes and our Halloween Party!! I posted the class pictures. There are more pictures linked to Halloween. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Field trip to the Pumpkin Patch!

Here are two of the group photos that I took on the field trip. The rest are linked to the title.

Last Friday we had a blast going through the corn maze and picking pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. Thank you to all of the parents that came with us on the field trip! The kids had a blast! 

  Pumpkin Experiment with our fifth grade buddies!

Here are a few pictures. The whole album is linked for you to look at.

We had a lot of fun with our fifth grade buddies. The students weighed and measured the pumpkins. Digging out the seeds and counting them was also part of our pumpkin experiments. The kindergarteners had a wonderful time! Thanks to the fifth grade buddies for their help!

Donuts with Dad

We had a GREAT time eating donuts with dads at school! Thanks to all of the dads that came to eat donuts with us!