Wednesday, February 17, 2016

All about space!

In science we are learning all about space! We have learned about the stars, moon, sun, and will be learning about the planets. Here is a picture of the fun we had learning about the planets!



Grandparents' Day and Valentine's Day

The students had a fun time making Valentine's hats, making their Valentine's bags, having treats, and opening Valentine's. In addition to this we got to complete some activities with our grandparents and sing with them! Thank you so much to all of the grandparents that came and for all of the parents who sent treats for the parties! 

100th Day

During the 100th Day of School, we had a lot of fun! We counted to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s, counted 100 steps from different places, graphing numbers on the 100th chart,  took photos with props to make us look like we were 100, 100 items, 100th day snack, 100th day hats, filled in the missing numbers on the 100th chart, read 100 books, and wrote 100 words. 

The individual pictures are linked to this one.

The class with their 100 items.

The class with their 100th day hats.

Reading 100 books. The other pictures are linked to this picture.